International Deprescribing Journal Club

About the International Deprescribing Journal Club

The Canadian Medication Appropriateness and Deprescribing Network works with international partners to host the journal club’s quarterly sessions. This journal club is for clinicians and researchers around the globe looking to connect and discuss recent deprescribing publications and complex clinical cases.

Goals of the International Deprescribing Journal Club

  • Strengthen partnerships among international deprescribing networks

  • Stay current with the literature and share knowledge

  • Build momentum and collaboration to facilitate larger international deprescribing trials showing impacts of deprescribing

Session topics & format

  • Content includes deprescribing case studies, recent literature, or a combination of both

  • Sessions last approximately 50 to 60 minutes, including a minimum of 20 minutes of Q&A

  • Sessions are recorded and posted on the Canadian Medication Appropriateness and Deprescribing Network’s YouTube channel.

Presenter : Michelle Keller, PhD - Assistant Professor of Gerontology, Leonard and Sophie Davis Early Career Endowed Chair in Minority Aging, USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology

Moderator : Roni Kraut MD, MSc

Hosted by: US Deprescribing Research Network

Date: December 12th, 2024

Dr. Keller discussed the paper Identifying barriers and facilitators to deprescribing benzodiazepines and sedative hypnotics in the hospital setting using the Theoretical Domains Framework and the Capability, Opportunity, Motivation and Behaviour (COM-B) Model: a qualitative study. The objectives of the talk were:

  • Understand the Principles of Implementation Science: Describe how implementation science frameworks can be applied to design and evaluate deprescribing interventions.

  • Apply Engagement Strategies: Identify effective strategies to engage inpatient clinicians in deprescribing practices, including overcoming barriers and leveraging facilitators for behavior change.

Past sessions

Engaging inpatient clinicians in deprescribing: lessons from an implementation science approach.

Reducing inappropriate prescribing in older adults: Lessons learned from Swiss primary care settings

Dr. Jungo discussed the article Optimising prescribing in older adults with multimorbidity and polypharmacy in primary care (OPTICA): cluster randomised clinical trial, including findings of the health economic analysis and the implementation evaluation conducted alongside the OPTICA trial.

Measurement issues in medication safety: what matters, what data do we have and how do we evaluate cost effectiveness?

Prescribing Cascades: Identifying, Managing, and Preventing the Domino Effect

Description: Prescribing cascades can be difficult to identify in clinical practice. Even if they are identified, it is not always clear on how to address them. This session provides an overview of key research to help inform the focus and design of guidance, tools, and interventions to minimise the occurrence of prescribing cascades in patients.

Deprescribing educational framework : challenges for implementation and educational scholarship

Presented by: Dr. Barbara Farrell, Dr. Lalitha Raman-Wilms, and Dr. Cheryl A. Sadowski

Hosted by: Canadian Medication Appropriateness and Deprescribing Network

Date: December 6, 2023

Click here to download slides (PDF)

Description : You know about deprescribing, but have you thought about how you are teaching it? Based on the first international interprofessional deprescribing curricular framework, the lead authors will share the highlights and discuss application.

Lessons from a pilot of ALIGN: Aligning Medications with What Matters Most

Description: ALIGN is a pragmatic, pharmacist-led telehealth intervention in primary care to optimize medications for people living with dementia and reduce inappropriate polypharmacy by focusing on what matters most to patients and care partners. Dr. Green will present on key learnings from the ALIGN pilot, implementation successes and challenges, and plans for a full-scale embedded pragmatic clinical trial.

COFRAIL and Deprescribing Inappropriate PPIs Trials

Click here to download slides - COFRAIL Trial (PDF)

Click here to download slides - Deprescribing Inappropriate PPIs Trial (PDF)

Description: Dr. Achim Mortsiefer presents Family Conferences to Facilitate Deprescribing in Older Outpatients With Frailty and With Polypharmacy: The COFRAIL Cluster Randomized Trial. To learn more on the COFRAIL Trial, click here.

Dr. Kristie Weir presents Deprescribing Inappropriate PPIs: Developing an Intervention and Planning a Trial.

Clinical outcomes of sedative deprescribing within RedUSe and implications for practice

Description: This session discussed the RedUSe study published in International Psychogeriatrics, with reference to more contemporary literature/clinical guidelines when discussing the implications of the findings.

Initial findings from the iSIMPATHY project and experiences of implementation

Description: iSIMPATHY (implementing Stimulating Innovation in the Management of Polypharmacy and Adherence Through the Years) is an EU funded partnership between Ireland, Scotland and Northern Ireland delivering person-centred, pharmacist-led medication reviews across primary and secondary care.

Pharmacist representatives from the iSIMPATHY project in each of the three countries presented the project data to date and also reflected on the implementation of iSIMPATHY in their own areas.

The OPTIMIZE Trial: A Clinician’s Reflection on the Challenges of Deprescribing

Presented by: Louise Papillon-Ferland, B.Pharm., M.Sc.

Hosted by: Canadian Medication Appropriateness and Deprescribing Network

Date: October 5, 2022

Click here to download slides (PDF)

Session objectives:
1. Present key learnings from the OPTIMIZE trial.
2. Discuss enablers and barriers of deprescribing, as applied to real-life clinical cases.